NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS Our Directors have received independant distributionship from Herbalife International of America, Inc. for consultation / sale of Health and Care Products. We have the products which are made out of herbs. Team of top medical doctors and nutritionists from the East and the West have certified our products. It gives all the nutrition the body needs on a daily basis. It increases your energy, controls your appetite, helps you loose or gain weight, helps you with asthmatic problems, skin allergies, exzema, synus problems, migraine headaches, menstrual pains, arthritis, rheumatism and many other problems related to lack of nutrition. These products are successful in 39 countries around the world and the Health Department of those countries have approved each product. These products have been tested hundreds of times all around the world to guarantee they are safe and can be used by anybody.These products are made in U.S.A. and have 20 millions satisfied consumers all over the world.The product is on 30 day money back guarantee if not satisfied. What does the body need on a daily basis ? Proteins, Carbohydrates, Vitamins & Minerals, Essential oils & fats, Herbs, Water and air. Everybody needs these things every single day, whether Man or Woman, Old or Young. Unfortunately the food we eat today does not conatain much of these things anymore but more of the other things like :- Salt, Sugar, Fat, Cholesterol and Chemicals. The reason for this is found in the process how food is grown and prepared today : Pesticides, Fertilizers, Preservation and Chemicals, Cold Storage, Cooking process (microwave etc.) The fruits and vegetables sold in the shops look good but not even a worm wants to eat it because of all the chemicals inside. What we get are nothing but empty calories!!!!!!! And this is the reason why we need balanced nutrition on a daily basis. Men, Women, Old, Young. Just anybody can make use of these products for their following needs: For yor information, we have 100 satisfied customers who have lost 4 to 5 kgs every month for continuous four to five months and they are always active and healthy. |
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